edited by Williamson Evers and Herbert Walberg
Edited by Williamson Evers and Herbert Walberg, this new Hoover Institution book is a product of the Koret Task Force on K-12 Education. In 198 pages and 6 chapters (plus an editors' introduction) it furnishes a basic guide to results-based education accountability. Diane Ravitch offers important historical context for today's testing and accountability reforms. I try to delineate the several different forms of accountability in people's minds today and suggest a resolution among them. Caroline Hoxby explores the (modest) price tag of test-based accountability and judges it a bargain. Eric Hanushek and Margaret Raymond offer a general state-policy framework and examine some key issues that lawmakers must resolve. Lance Izumi and Bill Evers offer case studies of Florida, Texas and California. And Herb Walberg suggests a dozen "design principles" for effective accountability systems. The ISBN is 0817938826. To learn more, order your very own copy (for $15 plus $4 shipping fee) by dialing 800-935-2882 or surfing to http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/homepage/books/accountability.html.