Dear Gadfly,
It's certainly good to have Mike back in the saddle. The old horse was moving slower and slower without his spurs.
But goodness, gracious, what a short-sighted and self-absorbed response he has offered. No, HE's??not self-absorbed, but he's far too willing to let a few encouraging domestic "social" indicators persuade him that things are more-or-less fine with America. He really does remind me of that frog--oblivious to the gradual (and in time fatal)??heating of the water around him just because someone passes him a chilled washcloth from time to time.
Sure it's swell that crime rates are down, etc. Nobody is complaining about better deck chairs--but what if the ship is slowly gaining water and losing momentum?
As it happens, today's news brings yet another example of that. President Obama is, on the one hand, doing something??bold and important--directing a major enhancement of our capacity to try to bring a semblance of order to Afghanistan. On the other hand, by telegraphing his intention of withdrawing ASAP from that tormented land, he has, in effect, let the bad guys know that if they bide their time we'll soon be out of their way.
Can you picture FDR or Churchill or Eisenhower signaling to Hitler in advance of D-Day that, after landing the expeditionary force on the Continent,??we don't actually plan to stick around very long?
Dusk indeed. Mike can take comfort, if he likes, from things like volunteerism. I don't see them carrying us very far.
-Chester E. Finn, Jr.