Take a quick look back at this week's commentary from the Fordham Institute's blogs:
- On Common Core Watch, Kathleen Porter-Magee argued that a new study is reason for optimism about the Common Core, but “supporters would do well to keep the champagne on ice. There is much work to be done before we can spike the football and declare victory.”
“Common sense, increasingly scarce in the public debate around the Common Core among talking heads and the chattering class, still prevails in the heartland,” wrote Terry Ryan on the Ohio Gadfly Daily.
- “[Washington’s] influence on what happens in U.S. schools is indirect and limited,” explained Chester E. Finn, Jr. on Flypaper. “Yet that influence can be profound, albeit not always in a helpful way.”
- Profiling a new Florida accelerated education law on Choice Words, Adam Emerson warned that if lawmakers “care about their best and brightest, they must spend more than the minimum energy required.”
- In a Stretching the School Dollar review, Chris Tessone writes that Nate Levenson’s new book, Smarter Budgets, Smarter Schools: How to Survive and Thrive in Tight Times, “blazes a clear trail to leaner and more productive district spending—prepare to take notes."
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