Mo' money, mo' problems. Hundreds of families who benefit from Washington, D.C.'s voucher program but have enjoyed modest increases in household income are in danger of exceeding its income guidelines and having their scholarships revoked. As many as 150 students a year may be pushed out of the program--in some cases because their mothers and fathers reunited, bumping up the family's bread basket. Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas wants to help those youngsters by adjusting the income eligibility for students already in the program. For his efforts, Brownback has been pilloried by opponents who say that raising eligibility will replace truly underprivileged children with middle-class kids. But Brownback's proposal still leaves the program's participants with an average income of $22,000 per year for a family of four--hardly enough for a cushy, middle-class lifestyle in the District's overheated real estate market. The truth, of course, is that many who oppose Brownback have fought against D.C. vouchers from their inception. Our suggestion: Senator Kennedy and People for the American Way should co-sign the letter to these families informing them that their vouchers have been confiscated. Have a nice day.
"To Retain Students, Higher Income Rule Sought," V. Dion Haynes, Washington Post, July 8, 2006
"‘Opportunity' is Knocked," Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2006 (subscription required)