- Americans should oppose Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s “anti-woke” power grabs in education because they counter the left’s illiberalism with the right’s. —The Bulwark
- Arkansas joins a growing list of red states in passing a universal ESA program. —American Federation for Children
- “Unaccountable philanthropy” can take risks and lean into the “messiness of innovation and failure that is inherent in progress.” —Andrew Rotherham
- Louisiana State Education Superintendent Cade Brumley has proposed an across-the-board $2,000 teacher pay raise with another $1,000 for highly-effective teachers. —The Advocate
- Increasing school autonomy is not a silver bullet for improvement, so we shouldn’t expect districts to function like charter schools. —The 74
- “Schools still pouring money into reading materials that teach kids to guess.” —The 74
- Many schools are failing to inform parents that their children are struggling with learning loss. —AP News
- One newspaper wants to water down Governor Mike DeWine’s proposal to make science of reading the cornerstone of Ohio’s schooling. —