- A survey found that parents are becoming more skeptical of grades as markers of whether their kids are on track, a reasonable shift given rampant grade inflation. —The 74
- A Michigan program exposes participating high schoolers to one of more than a dozen trades, “from graphic design to criminal justice, robotics to cooking.” —NPR
- New Orleans Military & Maritime Academy—a charter school for eighth through twelfth graders—emphasizes “character development and the virtues of citizenship, respect for oneself and others, and patriotism.” —City Journal
- Public charter schools in Colorado are helping to desegregate the state’s school system. —Kevin Hesla, Colorado Sun
- New York City is expanding its FutureReadyNYC career education program to include thirty-six new schools and two new professions. —Chalkbeat New York
- The U.S. saw a decline in its ranking on a 2023 international math exam, reflecting schools’ struggle to recover from pandemic-related disruptions. —Wall Street Journal
- A Wisconsin law that limited teachers union influence has been declared unconstitutional by a state appellate court. —Education Week
- Public schools in Newton, Massachusetts saw disastrous results when the district eliminated tracked classes in a misguided attempt to promote educational equity. —Boston Globe