So, our Fordham-AEI volume, Stretching the School Dollar (Harvard Education Press, 2010) is having quite a good week. First, our October 26 panel event?which discussed the book and ways that schools and districts cut costs and save money?will air on C-Span's Book TV tomorrow, November 20 at 8:00 AM. Plus,?the book received?sweet shout-outs this week by two education superstars ? Education Secretary Arne Duncan (in a speech Wednesday at American Enterprise Institute) and Bill Gates (in a speech today before the Council?of Chief State School Officers).
So, like I said, a pretty?nice week. Congrats to all the wonderful experts who contributed to the book, along with the book's co-editors, Rick Hess of?AEI and Eric Osberg, formerly of Fordham Institute. (By the way, you can check out a blog post that Rick Hess wrote this week about Duncan's speech. Fordham's Mike Petrilli and Checker Finn also blogged about these speeches.)
?Amy Fagan