The Education Gadfly Show #777: O-H-I-O: School reform victories in the Buckeye State
Michael J. Petrilli, Chad L. Aldis, David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 7.8.2021

Is Ohio meeting its student achievement goals under ESSA?
Aaron Churchill 10.25.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Districts matter, but Ohio shouldn’t ignore school level improvement efforts
Jessica Poiner 10.8.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

A new era of accountability in education has barely just begun
Michael J. Petrilli 9.25.2019

In math, grade-level tests are holding back low-achieving students
Joel Rose 9.24.2019

Why end-of-course exams are being replaced by the ACT and SAT, and how to reverse that
Anne Hyslop 9.13.2019

End-of-course exams benefit students—and states
Chester E. Finn, Jr., Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 8.28.2019

The “left behind” kids made incredible progress from the late 1990s until the Great Recession. Here are key lessons for ed reform.
Michael J. Petrilli 8.28.2019

A new era of Title I’s "supplement, not supplant" requirement begins
David DeSchryver 2.11.2019

The Education Gadfly Show: Federal education policy in 2019
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.9.2019

Gotta Give 'Em Credit: State and District Variation in Credit Recovery Participation Rates
Adam Tyner, Ph.D., Nicholas Munyan-Penney 11.29.2018