Testimony given before the Ohio House Finance Committee on HB 305—12/1/20
Chad L. Aldis 12.1.2020
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Cancel partisan politics to reopen our schools safely and sensibly
Victoria McDougald 11.5.2020

Are schools essential or not?
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 11.5.2020

What we're reading this week: October 29
The Education Gadfly 10.28.2020

Gadfly Bites 10/21/20 – Did somebody say “whipsaw”?
Jeff Murray 10.21.2020
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

How states are measuring college and career readiness
Jessica Poiner 10.19.2020
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

The case for urban charter schools
David Griffith, Michael J. Petrilli 10.14.2020

School leaders must spend money more efficiently. Here are four places to start.
Frederick M. Hess, Brandon L. Wright 9.30.2020

Testimony given before the Ohio Senate Education Committee on SB 358—9/16/20
Chad L. Aldis 9.16.2020
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

“Evasive entrepreneurs” create new K–12 school options
Bruno V. Manno 9.16.2020

It’s school culture, stupid
Robert Pondiscio 9.2.2020