Common Corps—and la Coeur
Continuing his stunning career ascent, Common Core architect David Coleman has agreed to take a top post in Pope Francis’s inner circle, just months after joining the College Board.
Ohio Department of Education’s Physical Education Evaluation Instrument
The Education GadflyThe following is a real-life excerpt from a standardized assessment that Ohio plans to put to K–2 kids—and the only piece of this Gladfly that is 100 percent true.
A piece of the puzzle: Teach For America, Dayton and its schools
Aaron Churchill , Terry RyanEnticing our top college graduates to teach in America’s classrooms is a serious challenge, bordering on an epidemic in some of our poorer communities and neighborhoods.
Moving beyond the fringe voices in the voucher debate
Adam EmersonThe New York Times published a semi-balanced story today on the growth of the private school-choice movement
The Common Core, digital transformation, and the Kasich budget proposal
Aaron ChurchillStarting in the 2014-15 school year, Ohio’s schools will fully implement the Common Core State Standards and the PARCC exams--online assessments aligned to the Common Core. As the Buckeye State draws nearer to lift off for these new academic standards and tests, school districts are ratcheting up their technological infrastructure and capacity.
Governance in the charter school sector: Time for a reboot
Adam EmersonMuch has happened in the charter sector in the last twenty years, but the laws ruling its governance largely remain the same
Governance in the Charter School Sector: Time for a Reboot
Terry RyanReview by Terry Ryan of Fordham's latest report
Teacher Evaluation Overkill in Ohio - What about PE Teachers?
Terry RyanEvaluating teachers to gauge their impact on student achievement is a necessary reform.
Can mayoral control fix what ails Ohio’s urban school districts?
Terry RyanOhio’s urban school districts, like many others across the country, face a slow burning governance crisis.
Governance in the Charter School Sector: Time for a Reboot
Terry RyanFordham’s new policy brief by Adam Emerson, “Governance in the Charter School Sector: Time for a Reboot,” tackles the governance issue head-on.
Ohio swears in Richard Ross as new state superintendent
Terry RyanRichard (Dick) Ross was sworn into Monday by State Board of Education President Debe Terhar as Ohio’s 37th State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
I don’t forget the parents who beat the odds: Q & A with Dayton Liberty Academy’s T.J. Wallace
Ellen BelcherThis Q&A with T.J. Wallace, the executive director for Dayton Liberty Academies, is the sixth of our seven-part series on school leadership.
The Common Core, digital transformation, and the Kasich budget proposal
Aaron ChurchillAs the Buckeye State draws nearer to lift off for Common Core standards and tests, school districts are ratcheting up their technological infrastructure and capacity.
From gifted-student education to Common Core to charter school quality
The Fordham Institute has been engaged in a wide range of conversations recently, ranging from gifted-student education to Common Core to charter school quality.
From High School to the Future: The Challenge of Senior Year in Chicago Public Schools
Aaron ChurchillIn a recent report, From High School to the Future: The Challenge of Senior Year in Chicago Public Schools, The University of Chicago’s Consortium on Chicago School Research tackles the question of whether high school students’ entire senior year is one large case of senioritis.
Can mayoral control fix what ails Ohio’s urban school districts?
Terry RyanOhio’s urban school districts, like many others across the country, face a slow burning governance crisis.
Special-education vouchers need accountability
Adam EmersonVirtually no accountability measures exist in most of the nation’s special-education voucher programs, including the largest such program in the United States, Florida’s McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Ohio swears in Richard Ross as new state superintendent
Terry RyanOhio swears in Richard Ross as new state superintendent March 25, 2013 in Columbus.
Does the percentage of students taking AP exams explain state level results?
Aaron ChurchillRe-examining the College Board's AP data for Midwestern states
Charters for the gifted and talented?
Aaron ChurchillA recap of Fordham's visit to Ohio's lone charter dedicated to serving gifted students
Make the Georgia Tax-Credit Scholarship more transparent—and expand it
Adam EmersonSenate Bill 243, while a step in the right direction, does not go far enough
The Common Core War (What is it good for?)
The Education GadflyIn the latest dust-up over the Common Core, the inclusion of some (
From Resegregation to Reintegration: Trends in the Racial/Ethnic Segregation of Metropolitan Public Schools, 1993–2009
Greg HutkoWith new data arises new hope
The 2013 Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning?
Andrew SarafBetter than we thought, actually
The art of gifted education
Emmy L. PartinReview of March 20 gifted education event