More evidence—this time from Ohio—that third grade retention works
Following Florida’s lead, about twenty states, including Ohio, have enacted laws that require schools to retain third gra
Following Florida’s lead, about twenty states, including Ohio, have enacted laws that require schools to retain third gra
Always an interesting day when we have only opinion pieces to discuss here in the Bites. First up, Dublin City Schools Superintendent John Marschhausen wears many hats.
On May 9, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) announced that it had hired Dr. Warren Morgan as the district’s new CEO. Morgan will replace Eric Gordon, who has been at the district’s helm since 2011.
Jessica and Aaron teamed up for a nice op-ed published in the ABJ t
Today, Ohio Excels and the Ohio Education Research Center (OERC) released a study on the academic impact of retaining students under Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee and providing them with extra support.
We’re back after the long holiday weekend with lots to talk about. Let’s get to it!
By now, it’s no secret that the pandemic and schools’ pivot to remote learning was a disaster for most students.
The Catholic Diocese of Columbus announced this week that 15 area parishes would be closing due to a decline in attendance and a shortage of priests to run them.
A few weeks ago, researchers from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University and Stanford University’s Educational Opportunity Project published an Education Recovery Scorecard that offered an in-depth and
NOTE: This piece was originally published in the Dayton Daily News.
God bless all the folks in Dayton who are taking Fordham and NCTQ’s n
With the budget bill speeding to the finish line, the Statehouse rumor mill is cranking into high gear. Among the rumblings is an effort by a few charter advocates to weaken the state’s sponsor evaluation system.
There are numerous roadblocks that can deter students’ participation in dual-enrollment programs, which allow them to earn college credit while completing high school graduation requirements. A lack of prerequisite courses, scheduling difficulties, and transportation hurdles are frequently cited examples.
As districts across the nation struggle with teacher shortages, policymakers and advocates continue to debate how best to draw more talent into the profession. Increasing salaries inevitably comes up in these discussions, and understandably so, as teachers do a difficult job that’s extremely important.
Members of the Editorial Board of Clevel
One more story from National Charter Schools Week
Stackable credentials are a sequence of postsecondary credentials that are earned over time, build on each other, and offer different levels and types of training.
Another Charter Schools Week is in the books
“As the Ohio General Assembly finishes work on the state’s two-year budget due June 30,
Note: Today, the Ohio Senate’s Education Committee heard testimony on Substitute House Bill 33, the state’s budget bill for fiscal years 2024 and 2025.
Lots to cover today. So let’s crack on!
Schools around the country have been expeditious in responding publicly to the rapid onset of ChatGPT and other interactive platforms that utilize sophisticated artificial intelligence, and those in the know say this technology could change teaching and learning forever.
The Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) is a comprehensive suite of supports meant to help community college students persist in school and complete a degree in three years or less.
In case you didn’t know, this is National Charter Schools Week.