Has Ohio erased its charter funding gaps?
Ohio’s push to improve charter school funding has made real progress in recent years. But there are still thousands of charter students who need—and deserve—more support.
Aaron Churchill 1.21.2025
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

85,000 students eligible for Ohio's EdChoice scholarship (voucher)
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Don't miss today's Ohio Education Gadfly
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Vigilant stakeholders must hold Ohio to its Race to the Top data promises
Emmy L. Partin 9.9.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Ohio districts smart to sock away Edujobs funding
Emmy L. Partin 9.8.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Bright spots in Ohio's urban education: 16 high-performing schools
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Dear Ohio,
Jamie Davies O'Leary 9.1.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Also running in place ??? Ohio's e-school performance
Emmy L. Partin 8.31.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Running in place ??? Ohio's reading and math scores stagnate
Terry Ryan 8.30.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

What a show: Ohio leapfrogged Louisiana in the presentation round
Michael J. Petrilli 8.26.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

This week's Ohio Gadfly keeps it real
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Ohio districts that have grown in poverty are holding steady on achievement (true story)
Jamie Davies O'Leary 8.19.2010
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Ohio Education Gadfly is back from vacation
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily