The Educator’s Dilemma: When and how schools should embrace poverty relief
Can non-academic supports increase academic achievement?
Can non-academic supports increase academic achievement?
Deregulation, sponsor quality, teacher evaluation data, and lots more
Staying the course on charter law reform, Fordham reports in the news, and more
Over the past year, Ohio legislators have been focusing on the state’s need to deregulate its education system. The Ohio Senate recently passed Senate Bill 3 (SB 3), legislation focused on deregulation and flexibility for high-performing districts.
Getting out of the way, cancelling innovation, CTE wins, and more
In 2014, we hosted our first-ever Wonkathon, which was dedicated to the subject of charter school policy.
Autonomy in exchange for honest-to-God accountability
More charter sponsors rated, charter management in flux, and the slippery slope of cursive writing
How the push for education deregulation in Ohio could affect licensure
Allowing innovative schools to train their own teachers, untainted by ed school. Jessica Poiner
A super smart kiddo, plucky theatre kids, charter school drama, and more
A new sheriff on the road to redemption
Charter law reform in Ohio gets yet another editorial boost and yet another case study
Accelerating great schools in Cincinnati, resisting district mergers, making college more accessible, and more.
Benefits and areas for improvement in equal measure
The Education Gadfly
Accelerating great schools in Cincinnati, trying to take ACTION in Youngstown, infighting in Dayton
More evidence in support of automatic closure laws. Aaron Churchill
The future is arriving faster than you knew. Robert Pondiscio
More on the honesty gap, single-gender education, Win-Win, and more