NASA decision: Another blow for Fordham's hometown
Terry RyanNASA's decision to award the four retired space shuttles to museums in Washington, Florida, New York, and California was a blow to Dayton and to the entire Buckeye State.
Kasich's education proposals on the right track, still leave room for improvement
Terry RyanFollowing is an excerpt of public testimony about the education provisions of House Bill 153 that Fordham’s Terry Ryan presented to the House Finance Primary and Secondary Education Subcommittee on April 8. You can read his full testimony here.
SB 5 could simply mean business as usual for local teacher personnel policies
Much ink and energy already has been spilled over Senate Bill 5, legislation that places significant restrictions around collective bargaining for public employees of all stripes – K-12 teachers, police, fire fighters, and
Impact of school improvement initiatives in HB 153
Emmy L. Partin, Bianca SperanzaGovernor Kasich has put a priority on academic achievement in his inaugural budget proposal with several provisions aimed at improving Ohio’s lowest performing public schools.
Creating a Winning Legislative Campaign: The Colorado Story
What better person to write a case study of SB 191 – Colorado’s groundbreaking teacher evaluation legislation – than the legislative director for Mike Johnston, the state senator who shepherded it through to passage? Scott Laband describes the political, policy, and messaging elements that were essential for the legislation’s ultimate success:
It's Easier to Pick a Good Teacher than to Train One: Familiar and New Results on the Correlates of Teacher Effectiveness
Nick JochHow did good teachers become good teachers? Matthew M. Chingos and Paul E. Peterson seek to answer this question in their latest study, wherein they examined several traditional strategies for teachers to increase their effectiveness, such as pursuing advanced degrees, on-the-job training, etc. to determine which methods were successful.
Charter School Performance in Indiana
The Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) at Stanford released its latest study of charter school performance, this time focusing on Indiana.
District of Columbus Public Schools: Defining Instructional Expectations and Aligning Accountability and Support
Bianca SperanzaWhen Michelle Rhee took the helm of DC Public Schools in 2007 the district’s achievement was dismal. NAEP scores for DC’s students were among the lowest in the nation, and achievement gaps between white and black students were among the largest in the country. Rhee and her team knew that something had to change dramatically.
Dollars and cents: Teacher quality and lifetime earnings
Nick JochHow do teachers impact students’ lifetime earnings? Eric Hanushek has quantified the answer to this and other questions related to teacher quality in his recent Education Next article. Is high-stakes testing hurting our kids?
Evaluation of teachers must improve
Terry RyanEffective teachers are the most valuable education asset that Ohio (or any state) has. Statistics don't lie when it comes to their impact on children's learning.
Terry Ryan testifies in support of budget bill provisions
Bianca SperanzaBy now it should be no surprise to anyone that Ohio is the midst of a financial crisis, and that schools will undoubtedly feel the brunt of this.
Parent trigger in Ohio: Much ado about very little
Terry RyanOhio is in the midst of its biennial budget debate and there has been much angst and ink spilled about a proposal in the
What Makes KIPP Work?: A Study of Student Characteristics, Attrition, and School Finance
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.Methodology so shaky it would make the Think Tank Review Project blush
Creating A Winning Legislative Campaign: The Colorado Story
Marena PerkinsAn education-reform blueprint so straightforward Gadfly?s grandmother could follow it
What Does Washington State Get for Its Investment in Bonuses for Board Certified Teachers?
Daniela FairchildAnswer: Sadly, not much
Should Ohio follow the way of the Hoosiers on school vouchers?
Jamie Davies O'LearyWith the GOP dominating so many state capitols and governors' mansions, it shouldn't come as a surprise that legislation aimed at expanding school choice is on the rise.