The state of charter authorizing
This report is great data on a critically important field
This report is great data on a critically important field
When boards are mere rubber stamps, questions about accountability, incentives, and conflicts of interest are sure to follow
The most significant governance innovation since charter schools?
Capacity is something that requires ongoing maintenance and at least an annual critique.
Have a high performing charter school? Chances are it’s got a savvy board whose membership consists of mission-aligned individuals with diverse professional expertise and experience that is leveraged to advance a strategic and defined vision, and achieve a specific set of goals.
Is it time for Ohio and other states to take bolder steps toward turning around our most troubled schools and districts?
It may seem absurd that one of California’s worst-performing school districts can kill the state’s finest charter school network. But that is the reality facing the 650 mostly poor and minority, but very high-achieving students enrolled at the American Indian Model charter schools.
The National Education Association is suing Florida for its teacher-evaluation policy;
The Columbus Dispatch is reporting today that Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools will be discontinuing their experiment with charter school creation at the end of this school year.
The Obama administration’s budget proposal was late to the par
Principals feel the heat—but their response is lukewarm
John Dues, school director for Columbus Collegiate Academy, wrote a response to a charter-school critic's piece that recently appeared as a Letter to the Editor in The Columbus Dispatch.
Discover the three canards about charter schools that have been repeated in news stories and by anti-charter folks in Ohio.
Traditional district boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred.
Ohio’s urban educational systems are talent deserts - Teach For America provides water, and if done right, oases of talent
The Fordham Institute has been engaged in a wide range of conversations recently, ranging from the Common Core to teacher evaluations in subjects without well-established exams. If you’ve missed any of these events or publications, check out the following notes.
According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is experiencing an increase in the number of English language learners (ELL) served in the K-12 educational system.
Grover Whitehurst, Matthew Chingos, and Michael Gallaher of the Brookings Institution examine school districts in relation to student achievement, in the aptly-titled report, Do Districts Matter?
A glimpse of the latest Ohio education headlines
This article originally appeared in Carnegie Mellon Today. It is reprinted with permission.
In recent weeks, however, the anti-charter crowd has been working the state’s newspapers to spread half-truths and canards about Ohio’s charter school program.
Districts' traditional boundary lines continue to blur
Mathematica doesn’t find the magic formula for KIPP’s success. But, there are a few tantalizing results.
In which Mike addresses the left's main concerns with voucher programs
But because charters and Catholic schools share similar traits and comparable missions in serving inner-city, low-income youth, there ought to be equal opportunities for each sector to thrive
As charters evolve, so must the rules
The New York Times published a semi-balanced story today on the growth of the private school-choice movement
Much has happened in the charter sector in the last twenty years, but the laws ruling its governance largely remain the same
Review by Terry Ryan of Fordham's latest report