Khan Academy videos) flips this delivery model on its head. In classrooms with which Khan partners, students are given the lectures for homework (to be watched online); the problems are done in class. This allows teachers to provide direct guidance to, immediate feedback for, and more personalized instruction time with their students. A bright idea from a bright individual—Khan’s proposal could be a huge win for champions of individualized instruction and teacher professionalization alike. Let's hope it catches on. (
Since the time of Horace Mann, in secondary schools of all stripes, the education delivery model has looked something like this: The teacher lectures to the students, educating them on the War of 1812, the circumference of a circle, or dangling modifiers. Further practice is done as homework—far away from a teacher’s watchful eye and helpful instruction. A provocative new idea from Salman Khan (the face and brains behind the
“Turning the Classroom Upside Down,” by Salman Khan, Wall Street Journal, April 9, 2011. |