A portrait of Ohio at the cusp of a new era
The Buckeye State is at the cusp of an era of new emphasis in K-12 education - the college-and-career-ready era. We look at Ohio's report cards in this new light.
The Buckeye State is at the cusp of an era of new emphasis in K-12 education - the college-and-career-ready era. We look at Ohio's report cards in this new light.
More students fail ninth than any other in high school, and a disproportionate number of students who are held back in ninth grade subsequently drop out.
Columbus City Schools faces the reality of Ohio's "parent trigger" law for the first time.
A new Education Next study has implications for Ohio's OTES teacher evaluation protocols.
Andy Smarick came to Columbus to talk about options for urban education in the future...starting now.
Much analysis of Ohio's school report cards has already taken place in the mainstream media.
More opining on state report cards, handicapping a state Supreme Court case, and how much testing?
The Truth in Numbers review of State Auditor candidate John Patrick Carney has been published in the PD. Fordham is name-checked in discussion of charter school quality in Ohio, and a link is made to last year’s Parsing Performance report by our own Aaron Churchill.
Almost nothing but news, opinion, and analysis about report cards.
Fordham in the News, more report cards, and that pesky "parent trigger" law.
More report card analysis, some condescension, tall ships, and no Common Core.
Report cards, investigative journalism, and the joys of teaching ELA in the era of Common Core.
A quick first look at the trove of new performance data from around Ohio.
Terrible charter authorization practices exemplified, state report cards, and boring testimony.
Report card prognostication, Common Core (again?), and questionable manhood
Student directory information, strike notice, school spending, and what do I care about Common Core?
Scientific Reynoldsbu?rgians, the future of Common Core repeal in Ohio, and counterint?uition.
Yet more Common Core hearings, editoriali?zing, and putting students ahead of paperwork for goodness' sake!
Registration woes in Mansfield, district boundaries in Stark County, pre-K and charter schools, and more.
Worthington school board member’s testimony in support of Common Core
We take a look at a new report on college and career readiness as measured by ACT test scores.
Supporting parents and students must be uppermost in any discussion of charter school authorization reform in Ohio. So far, their concerns seem to be last in consideration.
The state of play in Ohio K-12 education, more Common Core, and back-to-school for charters too.
Spotlight on Youngstown, standards review panels, and what the heck is an ESC?
Achievement ratings alone don’t tell the whole story of a school.
Business leaders testify on Common Core,ODE takes another stand against bad charter authorizing, and more.
Week 2 of Common Core repeal hearings, wraparound services, "intestinal fortitude", and more
Part Two of our analysis of the problems with the latest legislative assault on Common Core in Ohio.