Gadfly Bites - 2/27/15
Jeff Murray, Aaron ChurchillThe value of standardized testing, begging for a state takeover, school funding beyond the Big 8, and more
Gadfly Bites - 2/26/15
Jeff MurrayDefining high performers, celebrating Watch DOGS, checking out opportunity in Akron, and more
Gadfly Bites - 2/25/15
Jeff MurraySad Game Show edition: Opt-out "consequences", "If This Were a Charter School...", and "What's Your Mandate Anyway?"
Gadfly Bites - 2/24/15
Jeff Murray, Aaron ChurchillWalk-through diagnostics for classrooms, budget cutting woes, a Research Bite on 30 years of school funding, and more
School funding: Use reason, not rhetoric
Aaron ChurchillDissecting proposed changes to Ohio's school funding formula
Principal leadership development: Can we do better?
Jessica PoinerIs one pathway to principalship better than another?
Ohio’s Teacher Evaluation System (OTES): Early results
Not enough teachers rated Accomplished or too many?
Doing the Math on Teacher Pensions: How to Protect Teachers and Taxpayers
Jeff MurrayLooking at teacher pension programs across the country
School Closings in Chicago: Understanding Families’ Choices and Constraints for New School Enrollment
Aaron ChurchillWhat happens to students after their schools close?
Cheers and Jeers for February 23, 2015
Jeff MurrayThe good and the bad in recent Ohio education news
Gadfly Bites - 2/23/15
Jeff MurrayThe State Auditor's perspective on charter law reform, PARCC testing, and the 5 of 8 rule
Gadfly Bites - 2/20/15
Jeff MurrayWhat does it mean to align curriculum to standards, who are the Akron PeaceMakers, and more
Gadfly Bites - 2/19/15
Jeff MurrayThe race to buy closed school buildings, PARCC testing update, and more
Gadfly Bites - 2/18/15
Jeff MurrayWhat the state budget may hold for charter schools, education/transportation, more
Gadfly Bites - 2/17/15
Jeff MurrayTeacher success connected to teacher prep, dual enrollment, and Chad is everywhere
Opportunity to help transform and accelerate education outcomes in Cincinnati
Ohio Education GadflyCincinnati Schools Accelerator seeks CEO
Gadfly Bites - 2/13/15
Aaron Churchill , Jeff MurrayHe said/she said on the education budget and another Research Bites look at science proficiency
Gadfly Bites - 2/12/15
Jeff MurrayWide support for charter reform, Common Core success in Hudson, transportation audits, more
The New Forgotten Half and Research Directions to Support Them
Michelle LernerCollege is only worth it if you graduate. Michelle Lerner
Gadfly Bites - 2/11/15
Jeff Murray, Aaron ChurchillOpining on the governor's K-12 budget, PARCC safe harbor, "listen to the teachers", and more
Thomas B. Fordham Institute Proponent Testimony on Ohio House Bill 2
Chad L. AldisChad's written testimony, delivered Feb 11, 2015.
Gadfly Bites - 2/10/15
Jeff Murray"Rock star" teacher leaving her gig, parents in schools, corporations in schools, more
The rating system at the heart of Kasich’s charter school reforms
Kathryn MullenInside Ohio’s new Quality Sponsor Practices Review (QSPR)
When the stakes get high, the politics shouldn’t get soft
Aaron ChurchillAn argument against watering down testing and accountability
Cheers and Jeers for February 9, 2015
Jeff MurrayThe good and the bad in recent Ohio education news
Gadfly Bites - 2/9/15
Jeff Murray, Aaron ChurchillSponsor-centric charter reform, retaining the voucher-eligible, and science proficiency among low-income students
Gadfly Bites - 2/5/15
Jeff MurrayLegislating begins, district runs released, and quite a bit of "squawking"