Tough scrutiny for the D.C. voucher program, but it deserves the attention
By embracing some modest measures of standards and accountability, the D.C. program might set in motion effects that could ripple beyond its boundaries
By embracing some modest measures of standards and accountability, the D.C. program might set in motion effects that could ripple beyond its boundaries
After due deliberation, this past weekend ALEC's "Legislative Board of Directors" voted to remain neutral on the issue, thereby not pressuring its members and states in either direction.
A decades-old Rand Corporation report suggests high school implementation may be difficult
Terry Ryan writes about student nomads, picky parents, and feelings of cognitive dissonance
The different dilemmas facing choosy parents and struggling parents
And Smarick is excited about the release of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools’ annual “Market Share” report, which shows the percentage of students in major cities that are educated by charters
Understanding patterns of student mobility can help districts improve
The trials and tribulations of a Fordham-sponsored charter school.
All politics, and some revenues, are local
$300 million in the hole
Six days after the election, and by a miniscule margin, Washington State became the
Bravely voyaging to a new world
A symbiotic relationship
Selecting the right curriculum—one that artfully balances content and rigor and that gives teachers a clear instructional roadmap—is critical to driving student learning
The trials and tribulations of one Fordham-sponsored charter school
Annual report on Fordham-sponsored charter schools, with Ellen Belcher's article, "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: The Edison Story in Dayton."
A recap of press coverage about Fordham's latest report on student mobility
Columbus education leaders gather to talk about student mobility
Six days after election day, 50.81 percent voters in the Evergreen State finally said yes to charter schools, after having said no three times before.
The Charters & Choice Digest will guide readers through the triumphs, the quarrels, and the political foibles that accompany the growth of school choice and charter schools—and no cows will ever be sacred.
Why Michiganders repeal of the state's emergency-management law is a serious setback to education in the state
What were the takeaways? What are the key questions moving forward?
The magnitude and scale of student mobility is greater than typically appreciated.