Performance over time in Big 8 charter and district schools
Bianca SperanzaFor the last two weeks we've been doing various analyses of school performance in Ohio's Big 8 district schools and charter schools. Today we dive in a little deeper and look at what happened to low- and high- performing schools over time.
Students in charters actually outperform district peers, according to this weighted analysis
Jamie Davies O'LearyFor the last two weeks the Fordham Ohio team has been highlighting achievement trends in the Buckeye State's ?Big 8? districts (eight largest) and charter schools.
E-school performance in the Buckeye State
Bianca SperanzaThis week we took a look at what impact, if any, charter authorizer type (e.g., non-profit, educational service center, school district, or university) has on a school's academic performance, how
When public education's two Ps disagree
Michael J. PetrilliThe tension among parents, the public, and policy wonks
The Strategic Management of Charter Schools: Framework and Tools for Educational Entrepreneurs
Tyson Eberhardt, Daniela FairchildPedagogical leaders, meet the business model
Reaching the Goal: The Applicability and Importance of the Common Core State Standards to College and Career Readiness
Laura JohnsonCollege professors like the Common Core?as far as we can tell
Ohio charter school authorizer outlier deserves to lose right to sponsor schools
Terry RyanAs part of our ongoing look at 2010-11 Ohio school
Performance and growth among Ohio's high-poverty urban schools
Bianca SperanzaOn Monday we looked at charter school performance by authorizer type and structure and learned that neither seems to matter much when it comes to school quality.
The Common Core and the Future of Student Assessment in Ohio
Kathleen Porter-Magee, Jamie Davies O'Leary, Emmy L. PartinOhio adopted the Common Core standards in ELA and math in June 2010, but now stands at a crossroad in making sure statewide assessments are aligned to those standards. Ohio is a participating member in two federally funded assessment consortia—the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC)--but is a decision-maker in neither. This primer outlines both consortia and suggests that Ohio make a decision soon to begin the massive reboot required to realign assessments, professional development, and accountability systems to match the Common Core.
Improving the odds of success: Ohio should embrace a Common Core assessment consortium now
Terry RyanGetting academic standards right ??? specifying the knowledge and skills that teachers should teach and students should learn ??? is at the heart of just about everything that matters in K-12 education.
Academic achievement & growth: a fuller picture of urban school performance
Emmy L. PartinYesterday, Jamie wrote about both the academic achievement and progress of students in Ohio's urban public schools.?? Today's analysis marries these two performance metrics together.
From ski slope to a bell curve: Ohio's evolving value-added measure
Terry RyanOhio has been a national leader in using value-added measures of student academic growth. The current value-added system was piloted in 2007, and in August 2008 value-added was fully integrated into Ohio's academic accountability system.
How did students in Ohio's urban districts & charters perform (achievement & growth)?
Jamie Davies O'LearyWith the help of our friends at Public Impact - who did the data analysis represented by the graphs below ? today we continue our series on Ohio school performance data with a look at student performance in Ohio's ?Big 8? districts (Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, and Youngstown) and charter schools.
Globally Challenged: Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete?
Daniela FairchildWe're starting to see a trend here
Grade Inflation for Education Majors and Low Standards for Teachers: When Everyone Makes the Grade
Michael IshimotoThe proficiency illusion hits higher ed
2010-11 Ohio Report Card Analysis
Emmy L. Partin, Terry Ryan, Bianca SperanzaEach year, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute conducts an analysis of student achievement in Ohio's Big 8 urban districts and charter schools. 2010-2011's analysis looks at performance, growth (as measured by value-added), growth over time, comparisons between students in district schools, charters (and charters by type and authorizer type), e-schools, and more.
And we're off: Our annual analysis of Ohio report card data
Emmy L. PartinToday the Ohio Department of Education releases troves of performance data about the state's public schools. Fordham once again provided quick-turnaround, city-by-city analyses of public school performance in the Buckeye state's eight major urban areas.
Keep an eye out for analyses of achievement in Ohio districts, schools, and charters
Jamie Davies O'LearyEach year, the Fordham Ohio team does an analysis of urban school performance in August when statewide achievement data?are released. We've been doing this analysis for many years, reporting on the number of Ohio students in the Buckeye State's ?Big 8?