states and districts across the country craft
and begin to implement new teacher-evaluation systems, an important
arises: How will we ensure that new systems accurately and reliably
teacher effectiveness? To find answers, Brookings guru Russ Whitehurst
assembled a top-of-the-line task force and asked them to investigate
strength of prediction,” value-added methodologies, and reliability. And
into the weeds of these concepts they dive. In the end, they propose a
against which evaluation systems can be appraised (and a handy Excel
calculator to help districts determine the accuracy of their
teacher-evaluation systems). As with other efforts from
Brookings, this report is not a walk in the park, but if you like wonky,
just for you.
Steven Glazerman, Dan Goldhaber, Susanna Loeb, Stephen Raudenbush, Douglas O. Staiger, and Grover J. Whitehurst, “Passing Muster: Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems” (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Brown Center Task Group on Teacher Quality, April 26, 2011). |