- Toledo City Schools is looking at the possibility of re-implementing block scheduling for high schoolers in one of several forms next school year. That is, all or part of the day spent in 90-minute-ish class blocks rather than the “traditional” 40-45 minute periods. All of the various reasons provided are non-academic in nature, including facilitating sports participation and a desire “to help address student crowding and misbehavior in the hallways.” (Less “between class” time, fewer shenanigans.) It is also noted here that this type of scheduling was tried in the past and was eventually nixed because “fewer classes” somehow meant “more teachers” and the whole set up got too expensive. Sounds like the adults here are dead set on this plan in some form for next year, despite the many questions it raises in poor outsider saps like me. I’ll think of it as job security because it’s going to be one of those things that I guarantee we will return to over the next few years as it goes forward into adulation or ignominy. (Toledo Blade, 5/15/22)
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