Margaret Thatcher, education reformer
Checker Finn's recent commentary from National Review Online that describes Margaret Thatcher and her impact on the education-reform movement
Checker Finn's recent commentary from National Review Online that describes Margaret Thatcher and her impact on the education-reform movement
Discover the three canards about charter schools that have been repeated in news stories and by anti-charter folks in Ohio.
Traditional district boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred.
Ohio’s urban educational systems are talent deserts - Teach For America provides water, and if done right, oases of talent
The Fordham Institute has been engaged in a wide range of conversations recently, ranging from the Common Core to teacher evaluations in subjects without well-established exams. If you’ve missed any of these events or publications, check out the following notes.
According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is experiencing an increase in the number of English language learners (ELL) served in the K-12 educational system.
Grover Whitehurst, Matthew Chingos, and Michael Gallaher of the Brookings Institution examine school districts in relation to student achievement, in the aptly-titled report, Do Districts Matter?
A glimpse of the latest Ohio education headlines
Ohio’s public schools and parents will soon see a revamped local report card, starting in August 2015.
This article originally appeared in Carnegie Mellon Today. It is reprinted with permission.
In recent weeks, however, the anti-charter crowd has been working the state’s newspapers to spread half-truths and canards about Ohio’s charter school program.
Districts' traditional boundary lines continue to blur
Experts agree that while the industrial economy was driven by productivity, the knowledge economy is and will be driven by ideas
Bill Gates piece in Washington Post sides with Terry Ryan's commentary about Ohio's physical education evaluations.
Mathematica doesn’t find the magic formula for KIPP’s success. But, there are a few tantalizing results.
In which Mike addresses the left's main concerns with voucher programs
But because charters and Catholic schools share similar traits and comparable missions in serving inner-city, low-income youth, there ought to be equal opportunities for each sector to thrive
As charters evolve, so must the rules
The dramatic test-cheating scandal in Atlanta—which has seen the indictment of thirty-five educators, including
Ken Wong’s got data!
NIMBY no longer applies
Students’ academic excellence recognized in Dublin City’s financial report
Two education scholars from right-of-center think tanks set the record straight
An introduction to our upcoming Common Core blog discussions with school leaders