Market-oriented education reforms’ rhetoric trumps reality
Broader/Bolder: Anti-poverty or just anti-reform?
Broader/Bolder: Anti-poverty or just anti-reform?
Shocker: U.S. teens still economically illiterate
Is it time for Ohio and other states to take bolder steps toward turning around our most troubled schools and districts?
Capacity is something that requires ongoing maintenance and at least an annual critique.
High-quality gifted education for the state’s ablest students should be an imperative for Ohio.
Almost half of Ohio’s college freshman at public colleges and universities take remedial (high-school level) coursework in either math or English.
The Common Core standards are considered by many educators and researchers to be an improvement compared to how educating students has been done in recent times.
The National Association of Charter School Authorizers finds that the authorizers are performing well on the index but still suffer challenges in closing schools, hiring experts, and working with state laws.
A short review of a study that examined whether Florida schools, facing sanctions under the state’s A-F accountability system, behaved strategically by over-identifying students as special education or English language learning.
A glimpse of the latest Ohio education headlines.
The Fordham Institute has been engaged in a wide range of conversations recently about the Common Core and received national media attention for one of its charter schools.
Have a high performing charter school? Chances are it’s got a savvy board whose membership consists of mission-aligned individuals with diverse professional expertise and experience that is leveraged to advance a strategic and defined vision, and achieve a specific set of goals.
Is it time for Ohio and other states to take bolder steps toward turning around our most troubled schools and districts?
Ohio’s bright-eyed freshmen aren’t ready for college coursework.
The College Board and ACT have entered the ring
It may seem absurd that one of California’s worst-performing school districts can kill the state’s finest charter school network. But that is the reality facing the 650 mostly poor and minority, but very high-achieving students enrolled at the American Indian Model charter schools.
Enable charters to access cost-savings, facilities funding through Ohio's HB 264 program
Our response to the torrent of anti-Common Core literature, comments, blogs, and letters aimed at Ohio lawmakers and state board of education members
The National Education Association is suing Florida for its teacher-evaluation policy;
Clear ideas for funding online learning
Information is power
The Columbus Dispatch is reporting today that Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools will be discontinuing their experiment with charter school creation at the end of this school year.
Join the best of Governor Kasich’s School Funding Plan with that of the House--and Ohio’s schools can move forward through the mountain of ignorance
The Obama administration’s budget proposal was late to the par
The making and unmaking of reform, SoCal style
Principals feel the heat—but their response is lukewarm
John Dues, school director for Columbus Collegiate Academy, wrote a response to a charter-school critic's piece that recently appeared as a Letter to the Editor in The Columbus Dispatch.