The NCES, the NIEER, and government-funded advocacy
Something unsavory is underway at the Department of Education and in the world of preschool zealotry. They seem to be merging—and in so doing, they risk the integrity of our education-data system.
Something unsavory is underway at the Department of Education and in the world of preschool zealotry. They seem to be merging—and in so doing, they risk the integrity of our education-data system.
We talk about TGRG fatigue and Lima beans, among other topics in the news.
Lots to cover today: opinions, revelations, history lessons, and accounting included.
We think outside the box on a thorny education issue often at the heart of the school choice debate.
We take a look at the School Choice Demonstration Project's latest examination of charter funding across the country.
Education reforms take many forms and can affect school districts differently. Recent news stories from Northeast Ohio show some positive momentum for several important reform efforts.
A recent EducationNext article pinpoints some weakness in online credit recovery programs which Ohio is experiencing first hand.
A recent EducationNext article pinpoints some weakness in online credit recovery programs which Ohio is experiencing first hand.
The latest education news and commentary from across Ohio.
Some excellent articles on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee in Northeast Ohio highlight today's clips.
Although they’ve long been a favorite of working-class parents in search of safe, structured, morally solid environments, inner-city Catholic schools have struggled with finances and enrollment numbers for decades.
New research from the Consortium on Chicago School Research provides a relatively easy to-do list for district leaders who want to see more students progress toward graduation. Melissa Roderick and company use real-time data to identify and monitor pupil performance at one intervention point: the ninth-grade transition.
Today brought the eagerly awaited release of the 2013 NAEP results for 12th grade math and reading, which include scores for the nation as a whole as well as eleven pilot states.
In a new Education Next article, Sarah Carr examines the burgeoning online credit-recovery industry.
Non-election news is hard to come by today. Enjoy what there is, bizarre as it is.
Data scrubbing and building junking are just two of our topics for today's news roundup.
Start the week with some fresh education news and commentary from across Ohio.
Slim but interesting pickings in education news across Ohio today.
This AEI policy brief investigates whether involved fathers impact their kids’ chances of success in college—and finds that they surely do.
There’s much interest in how schools can develop students’ non-cognitive skills, such as persistence and interpersonal skills, not just their academic prowess.
The Education Department announced that in 2012, public-high-school graduation rates reached an all-time high of 80 percent—and that if states can maintain the speed, we could reach 90 percent by 2020.
From Portsmouth to Lima and beyond today. Even folks in West Virginia are interested in what's going on in education in Ohio.
The latest roundup of news - with Fordham commentary - from around Ohio.
A look at the past year in teacher-policy reforms in Dayton.
Vocational education is big news and big business in Ohio - we attempt to unravel the layers to see just what students are getting for all the investment.
Both ODE and CMSD take unprecedented steps. It's a good clips day.
A bunch of downers in today's Ohio education news. I'm glad it's Friday.
InBloom, a nonprofit that warehoused and managed student data for many public-school districts, is tapping out after being