Gadfly Bites - 11/12/14
State board of ed drama, an editorial two-fer, and camping out for school choice.
State board of ed drama, an editorial two-fer, and camping out for school choice.
Only you can prevent internet firestorms
One reluctant cheerleader, a gaggle of overheated carpetbaggers, and "a bundle of science" comes to Dayton.
The Beacon Journal and the internet explode with education stories.
So we noted the AP’s somewhat nonsensical coverage yesterday of the HB 597 committee vote on Common Core repeal, but that wasn’t enough for us. We decided to reach out and try to help clear up misinformation and answer questions. This is the result.
Common Core repeal voted out of committee, more consolidation drama, and charter closure practices
Democracy in action or a power grab? John Elkins
Joel Klein’s tenure in Gotham is already up for reappraisal. Megan Lail
State board of ed results, implications of one levy defeat, and more
Change of tack on Common Core, labor negotiations update, and more intestinal fortitude in Youngstown
Early results say no. Chad Aldis
Data and policy options for stakeholders in Ohio
The ins and outs of financing charter school facilities.
A special ed deep dive in Stark County, charter school successes, and be careful what you wish for.
District merger update, how (not) to sell an old school building, and the Good Mathkeeping Seal of Approval.
Not sure if it’s the impending arrival of Halloween or of next week’s election that is curtailing the education news stories (two very different versions of trick or treat there), but for whatever reason, there’s not much to report on today. But let’s make the most out of what we have, shall we?
More character ed? Wouldn't be prudent. Robert Pondiscio
Judging individual teachers is easier than judging the programs that prepare them. Dara Zeehandelaar
Closing down open enrollment, hate the standards AND the test, dual enrollment success, and more
Arne Duncan in Columbus, small cities solving big-city problems, and Not This Again?!
Disciplinary transfers, arts and education, and "test mania" mania.
Parents in Columbus need lots of information to make Ohio's "parent trigger" law truly helpful.
Both sides of the testing debate, parent trigger in Columbus, and an editorial smackdown.
Checking in on state board of ed races, modular classrooms, and closing bad charters.