Gadfly Bites - 4/3/15
Innovations for students in Columbus and Marion, efforts to minimize suspensions in Akron, and more
Innovations for students in Columbus and Marion, efforts to minimize suspensions in Akron, and more
Ohio can learn an important lesson on teacher evaluation without descending into the same fight going on in New York
There was some opining on House Bill 2 this weekend. That’s the first of the charter law reform bills introduced in the 131st General Assembly, which passed both the education committee and the full House last week.
How other states treat charter school leases can be instructive for Ohio
Charter law reform takes a giant step forward in Ohio, Youngstown continues to regress, and more
Charter law reform from all angles, school funding, and a venerable arts school retrenches
Every state is different, for better or worse
Everybody's talking about charter schools in Ohio
Charter law reform, the importance of career tech, Kagan Learning success, and more
Reaction to "exemplary" rating as charter school sponsor.
Residential schooling would be a welcome addition to the choice landscape
Chad's written testimony, delivered March 19, 2015.
Responses to charter school competition vary greatly in Akron, Toledo
Content should be king
Some let the status quo roll on while others change change the narrative powerfully.
Curator’s Note: Gadfly Bites will be off tomorrow, returning on March 13 to begin a new Monday, Wednesday, Friday publication schedule.
On the brighter side
Looking across the river in search of lessons for Ohio
When, how, and how much should teachers be evaluated?
The best and the worst of recent education news
Unionizing (good) charters, changing Ohio's school funding formula (or not), and more
Kasich on the record about opt-outs; "opposed" or just "interested"?
Yost gives his unique take on charter law reform; Ohio Senate creates "rockstar" advisory panel on testing
Petrilli on opting out, the ABJ on open enrollment, and innovative dry-erase tables
Charter law reforms, missing substitutes, and fixing audit findings