New legislation puts Ohio's charter school sector on the road to redemption
Ohio’s charter school sector has been a thorn in the side of the Buckeye State for far too long.
Ohio’s charter school sector has been a thorn in the side of the Buckeye State for far too long.
Charters getting better, charters "stealing" money, charters winning grants
The Ohio House and Senate each voted overwhelmingly this afternoon (October 7, 2015) to approve the report of the Conference Committee on House Bill 2 (HB 2).
What would happen if both sides of today’s education reform debate—the “public common school” crowd and the education reformers—got everything they wanted all at once? The newly released Student Success 2025 plan aims to envision just that for the state of Delaware.
Improving the lives of their students and their city
Findings of parental involvement study merit further investigation
New steps to expand AP course access in Cincinnati
The Youngstown Plan has its first day in court and HB 2 is back in business
Potentially short-term windfall may trump long-term benefit
Teacher evaluations, sponsor ratings, the implications of "less than zero", and the meaning of "surprise"
Charter law reform, arguing on process, and federal funding restores real education
Revisiting a 1996 accountability effort in Chicago
There were many routes to the podium at last week’s Republican presidential debate.
Chad Aldis is quoted in this DDN piece posted late on Friday. It is about the currently-stalled charter law reform bill and how quickly various stakeholders think it will take for the bill to become un-stalled once legislators return to work later this month.
Charter schools (and something else, it seems) loom large in today's clips
A reality check amid signs of true progress
Before we get to the action from this week’s state board of education meeting, let’s take a look at a pretty important Ohio Supreme Court ruling in the case of Hope Academy Broadway Campus v. White Hat Management which came down yesterday morning.
Don't lose sight of oversight improvements already made
Wishful thinking abounds among journalists, commentators, and interview subjects
Governance, funding, and accountability fixes
Why the Ohio Education Gadfly is never invited to journalists' confabs
Educational choices beyond just the building