Is Kindergarten the New First Grade?
Jamie Davies O'LearyThe increased importance of academic and non-academic skills for our youngest learners
If you’re not checking Ohio Gadfly Daily, you’re probably missing out
Ohio Education GadflyThere's even more to love about the Gadfly
Learning from Experience: A Guide to Social Impact Bond Investing
Aaron ChurchillFirst-hand look at an early SIB experiment
Local success: Ohio State is decreasing the college attainment gap
Jessica PoinerDeserving of kudos
Two important upcoming events - Education for Upward Mobility and ESSA: Implications for Equity in Ohio
Ohio Education GadflyOn Wednesday, March 23, 2016, Fordham president Mike Petrilli will be in Columbus to discuss his new book, Education for Upward Mobility. In it, more than a dozen contributors work to answer fundamental questions: How can we help children born into poverty transcend their disadvantages and enter the middle class as adults? And in particular, what role can our schools play?
The Project L.I.F.T. Story: Early Lessons from a Public-Private Education Turnaround Initiative
Jamie Davies O'LearyFirst look at a focused, fully-funded turnaround effort in North Carolina
Informing Investments in Preschool Quality and Access in Cincinnati
Aaron ChurchillReturn on investment for quality pre-K - what the research shows
Teacher preparation: The complicated but important process of raising admissions standards
Jessica PoinerAddressing teacher quality issues at the source
Spotlight on Columbus
Jamie Davies O'Leary, Jeff MurrayTwo good news stories from Central Ohio
How to improve Ohio teacher preparation
Jessica PoinerThe first round of our recommendations for fixing vital but hard-to-change area of teacher training programs
Building a better (community) college student through remediation
Jeff MurrayTwo new reports look at the "preparation gap" for community college students
The Impact of Teacher Demographic Representation on Student Attendance and Suspensions
Jamie Davies O'LearyA topic that demands our attention—and our action