Gadfly Bites - 5/23/16
Jeff MurrayOhio Auditor Dave Yost (!) has been absent from these pages for a bit. And here’s why: He and his team have been preparing a report of their findings during an attendance audit of charter and district schools across the state.
2016 Wonkathon: Who was the wisest wonk?
The Education GadflyIn Fordham’s third annual Wonkathon, eleven wonks opined on ESSA and parental choice:
GIVE Back, GO Forward: Ohio’s intergenerational college affordability initiative
Sarah SoudersVolunteerism begets free college credits in pilot program
Registration Now Open for the 2016 OAPCS Charter School Leadership Series Event
Ohio Education GadflyKevin Chavous headlines on June 10 in Columbus
New Publication: Career and Technical Education in High School
Ohio Education GadflyFordham's latest report
Improving Academic Outcomes for Disadvantaged Students: Scaling Up Individualized Tutorials
Jessica PoinerBy Jessica Poiner
College Credit Plus offers a surplus of benefits
Jessica PoinerWhat is College Credit Plus and how is it better than previous dual enrollment models?
The Sharpton-Moskowitz alliance
Kevin MahnkenNow that New York’s students are heading into another year of Common Core-aligned standardized testing, it’s probably time to start taking bets on exactly how many kids will actually show up.
How to address “gap closing” accountability under ESSA
Aaron ChurchillWe look at the case against AMOs, and suggest 4 better options for monitoring subgroup performance