The false promise of “field testing” standards
Kathleen Porter-MageeSuggesting that we “field test” Common Core betrays a fundamental misunderstanding about what standards are and what they are not.
A single-sex school for Prince Hal
Adam EmersonOne more valuable option for students and parents
School-Based Accountability and the Distribution of Teacher Quality Among Grades in Elementary School
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D., Daniela FairchildHow the elementary-teacher-cookie crumbles
Text Complexity: Raising Rigor in Reading
Kathleen Porter-MageeText complexity is the new black
Forget school: Summer break is what’s too easy
The Education GadflyWhile art, music, and history tend to get the headlines when they’re pushed out in favor of more math and reading instruction, the
The end of governance geography: Hess and Meeks point the way to the Promised Land
Peter MeyerUnderstanding the nature of the problem is the first step to fixing it.
Friedman Foundation calls for research proposals
Adam EmersonThe folks at the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice have put out a call for research proposals that explore the effects that choice and competition have on K-12 education.
The Economist calls out Ohio charters
Aaron ChurchillOhio charters have earned a global reputation.
An unfair contest: charter school athletics
John HortonDespite persistent hostility to charter school expansion in most states, there remains one aspect of charter schooling that fails to get the attention it deserves: athletics.
5 lessons from 5 years on the school board
Peter MeyerO say can you see...sweet land of school liberty
Cut obstacles to transparency, not Kindergarten
Improved transparency and fiscal accountability in Pennsylvania will help ensure parents can continue to send their kids to Kindergarten.
Unchecked and unbalanced in North Carolina
Adam EmersonLazy governance hurts charter innovation.
Time to focus on the other half of the charter-authorizer marriage
Adam EmersonWhat is the nature of the relationship between a charter school authorizer and a charter school board?
New York provides much-needed Common Core assessment guidance
Kathleen Porter-MageeStepping into the breach
Rigorous national standards: necessary but not sufficient
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Checker's contribution to a recent Wall Street Journal debate with Jay P. Greene.
Education gets its day in court
The Education GadflyHealthcare stole the show, but don’t forget that the Supreme Court handed down a decision this session with education implications.
Improving Charter School Accountability: The Challenge of Closing Failing Schools
Terry RyanCharter authorizers: No longer taken for granted
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
Ben BennettKoala dads: You’re gonna love this
The Inclusion of Students With Disabilities in School Accountability Systems: Interim Report
Kai FilipczakA case for super-subgroups
Authorizers matter, in Ohio and across the nation
The Education GadflyTerry Ryan on the importance of charter authorizers
In search of the elusive reform-minded school-board member
Peter MeyerA look back at my time on a board of education.
Charter school authorizers matter
Terry RyanA look at David Osborne's latest paper, “Improving Charter School Accountability: The Challenge of Closing Failing Schools.”
Does the Common Core overcomplicate text selection?
Kathleen Porter-MageeThe guidance that’s starting to emerge about how teachers can best select “grade-appropriate” texts may actually end up undermining the Common Core’s emphasis on improving the quality and rigor of the texts students are reading.
A different case for social justice in special education
Adam EmersonThere has been a lot of hand-wringing in the last week about whether charter schools are doing enough to enroll students with disabilities. But are we looking closely at who is among the learning disabled?
All-white schools and achievement gap accountability
Aaron Churchill , Danyell LewisOhio plans to award accountability points to all- or mostly-White schools for narrowing racial achievement gaps