The Magnitude, Destinations, and Determinants of Mathematics and Science Teacher Turnover
Speaking of turnovers…
Speaking of turnovers…
The findings would have been better if not for the performance of schools overseen by one authorizer—Ball State University
To understand what is going on in Finland, its perhaps important to start not with a snapshot of their test scores and existing education structures but with a historical perspective.
This week, Student Achievement Partners—the group co-founded by Common Core architects David Coleman and Jason Zimba—announced a partnership with the NEA and AFT to develop and disseminate Core-aligned curriculum at no cost to teachers, thanks to a three
Pre-K for the (right) people
The states take aim at ed schools
D.C. charter schools, the task force decided, should remain open to all comers in the city, but charters that move into closed district schools should voluntarily give admissions preference to children who live nearby
In addition to being developed under the careful guidance of the lead authors of the standards themselves, SAP-developed resources will be open source and provided at no cost to teachers around the country
Executive compensation must be transparent and carefully considered.
A review of 2012 and a look ahead at 2013
The second of a seven part series that profiles some of Ohio's most dynamic and effective school leaders.
The question may be when, not if, MOOCs put an end to traditional education.
Forecasting proficiency rates under the PARCC Exams. Also, the Ohio Annual Report Card Analysis, 2011-12.
Get your 2012 Fordham Ohio reports here!
Join us at Stivers High School in Dayton to share ideas about what makes schools great. January 15 at 7pm.
There is very little to be added to what's already been said about Friday's horrendous murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School—President Obama has eloquently expressed the
Highly effective superintendents and charter school operators deserve to be paid well, but 'how much is too much’ is a question school boards have to grapple with as they also have to help make the case for school levies every couple of years
Denizens of the anti-Common Core fever swamps, by misinterpreting the NAEP assessment framework, become a case-in-point for teaching informational texts
Governor Rick Scott has garnered attention for suggesting that all schools receiving public funding, including private schools accepting voucher-bearing students, be held to Common Core standards
Welcome to Michigan
Everyone and their mothers are talking about the so-called “fiscal cliff”—the automatic budget cuts and tax increases that will affect all federal discretionary spending programs, cut you off in traffic, steal an old lady’s handbag, and wreak general havoc if lawmakers don’t co
New Orleans sets the pace
Another case for the Common Core
The multiple-pathways approach
While there are achievement gaps between low-income and affluent students across content areas, none seem more vexing to close than the reading gap
The Brookings Institution's second Education Choice and Competition Index released yesterday
Despite its popularity, however, there is a reason that a program like this is controversial: A tax credit scholarship is tantamount to a voucher.