Sports fans have the NFL draft. Politicos relish
the presidential election. And on Tuesday, education wonks enjoyed their
favorite day: the release of the nation’s report card, or NAEP. The assessment found
modest gains in fourth-grade math and in both reading and math at the
eighth-grade level since the last round of testing in 2009. (Fourth-grade
reading scores have been flat since 2007.) Two days after the release, much of
the relevant inference and conjecture that can be bled from the NAEP data stone
already has been: Kevin Carey of Ed Sector used
the longitudinal data to articulate that we can move the needle on student performance—especially for math. (In the last twenty years, the percentage of fourth-grade
students scoring below the basic level in math fell from 50 percent to just 18
percent.) Mike Petrilli speculated that the statistically
significant uptick in eighth-grade reading could
be attributed to the efficacy of Reading First (prior to its defunding). Politics K-12 dissected
results of Race to the Top winning states (especially Hawaii, the only
state to see gains in all four categories). And Matt Ladner ranked states on
how well they’re teaching low-income,
and special-needs
students. Go ahead and join in the fun; play with the user-friendly NAEP data
explorer here.
Click to listen to commentary on the NAEP results from the Education Gadfly Show podcast. |
National Center for Education Statistics, The Nation’s Report Card 2011: Reading and Mathematics. (Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics, November 2011). |