If we find them, we will come. KIPP hopes to open schools in the Buckeye State and elsewhere in 2006. This highly regarded organization is also looking for outstanding educators to join existing KIPP schools. To date, KIPP has opened 38 schools in 15 states and the District of Columbia. One of the states targeted for expansion by KIPP is Ohio, where KIPP seeks a few stars to lead and staff prospective schools in the Buckeye State. To learn more, visit www.kipp.org/apply, or join representatives from KIPP at an information session on February 8 from 6-9pm at the Doubletree Hotel, 50 South Front Street, Columbus, OH. For more information, or to RVSP, please contact Quentin Messer at qmesser@edexcellence.net or 937.227.3368.