Can a bonus payment help fill special education teacher positions? Evidence from Hawaii.
Jeff Murray 2.13.2025

Can an evaluation system improve the practice of novice teachers? Evidence from Tennessee
Jeff Murray 1.21.2025
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Think Again: Are Education Programs for High Achievers Inherently Inequitable?
Brandon L. Wright 10.29.2024

The Impact of Increasing Funding for High-Performing Ohio Charter Schools: The Quality Community School Support Fund, 2019–23
Stéphane Lavertu 10.17.2024

Impact of an early warning system for student absenteeism
Jeff Murray 2.27.2024
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

Testing multiple measures of school economic disadvantage
Jeff Murray 1.25.2024

Teacher pay increases and their impacts on salary level, hiring, and turnover
Jeff Murray 1.16.2024
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily

The Education Competition Index: Quantifying competitive pressure in America’s 125 largest school districts
David Griffith, Jeanette Luna 12.5.2023

Think Again: Is grade retention bad for kids?
Umut Özek, Louis T. Mariano 10.11.2023

Students’ ignorance of U.S. history and civics remains a national embarrassment
Robert Pondiscio 9.28.2023

Dr. Stéphane Lavertu joins the Fordham Institute as Senior Research Fellow
Ohio Education Gadfly 8.31.2023
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily