As Common Core gathers speed in forty-three states and DC, what does it mean for high-ability students and gifted-and-talented education? Some contend that higher standards for all mean gifted education is no longer necessary for some. Others insist that increasing the rigor of classes will automatically serve high achievers well. Some claim that differentiated instruction does the trick, while others worry that the country’s ablest students will lose what little claim they presently have on curriculum and instruction suited to their needs.
Who’s right?
Join the Fordham Institute on Monday, February 23, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. ET for a live discussion on what the Common Core portends for gifted students and their teachers, moderated by Fordham’s own Chester E. Finn, Jr.
Report Release: Common Core and Gifted Education: Myths, Opportunities, and Strategies for Success By Jonathan Plucker
Follow the conversation online with @educationgadfly at #CCGifted.
Tricia Ebner Gifted Intervention Specialist and ELA teacher, Lake Middle School NBCT, PARCC ELC @TebnerEbner | |
Jonathan Plucker Raymond Neag Endowed Professor of Education, University of Connecticut @JonathanPlucker | |
Rena Subotnik Director, Center for Psychology in Schools and Education, American Psychological Association |
Chester E. Finn, Jr. Distinguished Senior Fellow and President Emeritus, Fordham Institute |