Many reformers and funders have written off schools of education as beyond repair, and much of the current energy for teacher preparation is centered on non-traditional programs like Teach For America. But are schools of education more ready for reform than the conventional wisdom supposes? Join the Thomas B. Fordham Institute for a lively and provocative debate about that question. Institute President Chester Finn will moderate, and the discussion will be informed, in part, by Fordham’s recent study, Cracks in the Ivory Tower? The Views of Education Professors Circa 2010, as well as by the recently-announced effort, led by Jim Cibulka's NCATE, to overhaul the teacher evaluation system.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Dean, University of Michigan School of Education
James G. Cibulka, President, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Steve Farkas, President, Farkas Duffett Research Group, co-author of Cracks in the Ivory Tower?
David Imig, President Emeritus, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Kate Walsh, President, National Council on Teacher Quality