Jonathan Plucker is a Professor of Education and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Education.
Authored Commentary & Research
High Expectations
How “Young Sheldon” provided insight into parenting bright children
Jonathan Plucker 6.4.2024
High Expectations
Excellence gaps: New resources and a personal history
Jonathan Plucker 9.18.2023
High Expectations
Should schools group students by ability?
Scott J. Peters, Jonathan Plucker 9.29.2022
High Expectations
Do programs for advanced learners work?
Jonathan Plucker 6.24.2020
Personalized Pathways
Shining a light on bright students
Jonathan Plucker 11.21.2019
NationalThe High Flyer
A Washington suburb's praiseworthy plan to narrow the excellence gap
Jonathan Plucker 5.24.2017
OhioThe High Flyer