Gabrielle received her PhD in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University. She has worked as an adjunct instructor in mathematics and as a writer and consultant. Projects have included developing elementary hands-on science curricula, developing science content for a radio show airing on National Public Radio, and reviewing the mathematics content delivery system for Shepherdstown University. In 2009 she coauthored a report for the Abell Foundation about the relationship between high school mathematics curricula and college expectations in Maryland. Her paper entitled Notes on Providing a Formal Definition of Equivalence is forthcoming in a special issue of the Journal of Anthropological Theory.
Authored Commentary & Research
High Expectations
The State of State Standards—and the Common Core—in 2010
Sheila Byrd Carmichael, W. Stephen Wilson, Kathleen Porter-Magee, Gabrielle Martino 7.21.2010
High Expectations
Review of the Draft K-12 Common Core Standards
Sheila Byrd Carmichael, Kathleen Porter-Magee, W. Stephen Wilson, Chester E. Finn, Jr., Gabrielle Martino, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 3.23.2010