Thursday, August 26, 2010
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Think Tank + Sponsoring Charter Schools = Harder Than It Looks
Thursday, August 26, 2010
3:30-5:00 PM
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
1016 16th Street NW, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
The Fordham team invites you to a vigorous, frank, and eye-opening discussion of Fordham’s own experience authorizing charter schools in Ohio—and how that matches authorizing elsewhere. What have they gleaned from their stumbles, foibles, and successes? Is Ohio (or Fordham) unique or is this territory challenging everywhere? Terry Ryan will discuss Ohio’s Education Reform Challenges: Lessons from the Frontlines, co-authored with Fordham President Chester E. Finn, Jr., who will moderate the discussion. Comments will follow from Joey Gustafson, Alex Medler, and Perry White, all with extensive experience in the charter world.
Please RSVP to [email protected] or 202-223-5452
*Registration will open at 3:00 PM, and refreshments will be served after the discussion concludes at 5:00 PM.
PLEASE NOTE: This event will be webcast nationwide. There is no need to sign up for the webcast – simply visit as the event begins, and click on the event link. Members of the webcast audience who would like to submit questions during the event can email them to [email protected].
Terry Ryan, Vice President for Ohio Programs and Policy, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, and co-author, Ohio's Education Reform Challenges
Joey Gustafson, Founder and CEO, JM Consulting Inc.
Alex Medler, Vice President, Policy and Research, National Association of Charter School Authorizers
Perry White, Founder and Executive Director, Citizens Academy
Chester E. Finn, Jr., President, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, and co-author, Ohio's Education Reform Challenges